Niti Aayog Report: India Needs to Merge Schools like China to Improve Education


A recent report released by Niti Aayog shows that India has five times as many schools as China for the same student enrollment. The report also states that more than 50% of primary schools in many states in India have an enrollment of less than 60 students. The report suggests that school mergers can be a solution to the problem of low enrollments in schools.

The report also states that China has been closing or merging dozens of international and private schools due to tighter regulation, a slowing economy and dwindling foreign student numbers. In 2020, there were around 180,000 private education institutions in China which accounted for more than a third of all education institutions in the country. These schools had 55.6 million students enrolled. The report further cites that international schools in China have mostly seen student numbers decline due to expatriates from countries leaving after the pandemic and amid rising geopolitical tensions.

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Merging Indian Schools as a Solution: What Does Niti Aayog Report Suggests based on China's Experience?

The Niti Aayog report suggests that India can learn from China's experience and merge schools that have low enrollments. The report also suggests that states can develop a set of large schools with at least 10-20% spread across the state. These schools can be integrated K-12 schools and should provide transport so that all students can equitably access them.

The report concludes by stating that school mergers can be a solution to the problem of low enrollments in schools, and that states can learn from China's experience in this area. In addition to the suggestions made in the report, the government can also consider providing financial incentives to schools that merge, as well as providing support for teachers and students during the transition. The government can also work to raise awareness of the benefits of school mergers, both for students and for the overall education system.

By taking these steps, the government can help to ensure that all students in India have access to a quality education. (News Source)

Jordan Singer
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