
Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA)


Know all about the Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA), Know the Duration, Eligibility, Course Content, Syllabus, and other important details that every student must know


Country : India

Eligibility : Graduation

Duration : 4 Weeks


What is the Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA)?

The Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA) is a foundational program designed for individuals with limited or no prior experience in English language teaching. It is also suitable for those with some experience but lacking formal training.

The course emphasizes the development of practical teaching techniques, incorporating both face-to-face and online teaching practice with learner groups. This hands-on experience aims to instill the confidence needed to commence teaching in as little as four weeks.

Whether you are seeking your initial teaching position or aiming to demonstrate your teaching proficiency with a recognized certification to potential employers, CELTA is the qualification to pursue.

Syllabus and Course Overview

The CELTA course equips candidates to:

  • Gain essential subject knowledge and grasp the principles of effective teaching.
  • Acquire practical skills for teaching English to adult learners.
  • Demonstrate the ability to apply learning in a real teaching setting.

Successful completion of the course allows candidates to embark on a career in various English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) teaching environments worldwide.

Syllabus Structure

The syllabus comprises five key topic areas:

Topic 1 – Learners and teachers, and the teaching and learning context

  • Cultural, linguistic, and educational backgrounds
  • Motivations for learning English as an adult
  • Learning and teaching styles
  • Context for learning and teaching English
  • Varieties of English
  • Multilingualism and the role of first languages

Topic 2 – Language analysis and awareness

  • Basic concepts and terminology in English Language Teaching (ELT)
  • Grammar, including rules and conventions
  • Lexis, focusing on word formation and usage in context
  • Phonology, covering English phonemes and features of connected speech
  • Practical significance of language similarities and differences
  • Reference materials for language awareness
  • Strategies for developing learners' language knowledge

Topic 3 – Language skills: reading, listening, speaking, and writing

  • Reading: concepts, purposes, decoding, and potential barriers
  • Listening: concepts, purposes, features of texts, and potential barriers
  • Speaking: concepts, features of spoken English, language functions, paralinguistic features, and phonemic systems
  • Writing: concepts, subskills, stages of teaching, beginner literacy, English spelling, and punctuation
  • Strategies for developing learners' receptive and productive skills

Topic 4 – Planning and resources for different teaching contexts

  • Principles of planning for effective teaching of adult learners
  • Lesson planning, evaluation, and adaptation
  • Selection, adaptation, and evaluation of materials and resources, including technology-based resources
  • Knowledge of commercially produced and non-published materials for teaching adults

Topic 5 – Developing teaching skills and professionalism

  • Effective organization of the classroom
  • Classroom presence and control
  • Teacher and learner language
  • Use of teaching materials and resources
  • Practical skills for teaching at various levels
  • Monitoring and evaluating adult learners
  • Evaluation of the teaching/learning process
  • Professional development responsibilities and support systems