Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

GENERAL FAQs is an online education portal that offers a unique platform for individuals and businesses. Our portal provides university free listings, allowing users to post their content for free. Additionally, users can advertise their educational services at a cost- effective rate, get verified for credibility, and list their educational businesses for free.

Posting content on our Blog is simple and free of charge. Create an account on, and once registered, you can start sharing your valuable educational content with our diverse audience. It is subject to approval from editorial board. Once it is approved, it will be published on the portal.

Yes, there is a cost associated with advertising educational services on However, we offer competitive and cost-effective advertising packages that cater to various needs and budgets. Contact our team to learn more about our advertising options.

Getting your educational services verified on is a seamless process. Simply submit the required documents and information for authentication. Our dedicated team will review your details to ensure credibility and authenticity. Once verified, your profile will be marked as "Verified," enhancing trust among potential learners.

Absolutely! Listing your educational business is completely free on By creating an account and providing relevant information about your services, you can reach a wider audience and attract potential customers without any charges.

While we encourage diverse and informative content on our Blogs, we do have certain guidelines in place. Content should be relevant to the education sector, informative, and adhere to our community standards. Offensive or inappropriate content will not be permitted.

Yes, you can advertise your educational services without getting verified. However, a verified profile adds credibility and trust, making it more appealing to potential learners.

For advertising or verification queries, you can easily contact our customer support team through our website's contact page or via email. We are here to assist you with any questions you may have.

For any student-related queries or assistance, feel free to reach out to our customer support team through our website's contact page or via email. We are here to support your educational journey and ensure a fruitful experience on our platform.


Free Classifieds & Free Listing's Free Classifieds is a dedicated section on our platform that allows users to post advertisements for various products, services, or businesses without any charges. It offers a cost-effective way to reach a wide audience and promote your offerings.

Posting a classified ad for free on is simple and quick. Navigate to the Classifieds section. Click on "Add Listing" and provide relevant details about your product or service. Hit "Submit," and your ad will be live and visible to potential customers.

You can post various types of ads for free on our Free Classifieds section. It includes ads for buying or selling products, services, job postings, educational offerings, and more. Just ensure that your listing complies with our community guidelines.

As of now, there are no limitations on the number of free ads you can post on's Free Classifieds. You can post multiple ads to reach a wider audience and promote different products or services.

Your free classified ad will be visible on for a specific duration, depending on the category you choose. Typically, ads stay live for a reasonable period, allowing you ample time to connect with potential buyers or customers.

Yes, you can enhance the visibility of your free classified ad through our premium advertising options. We offer cost-effective packages to boost your ad's visibility and increase its reach to a larger audience.

As of now, there is no verification process for free classified ads. However, we advise users to provide accurate and genuine information to maintain the authenticity of the platform.

Yes, you can edit or delete your free classified ad after posting. Log in to your account, go to the Free Classifieds section, and access your ad. From there, you can make necessary edits or choose to delete it as per your requirement.

Yes, certain items or services are prohibited on's Free Classifieds. These include illegal products, adult content, counterfeit goods, and anything that violates our community guidelines.

For any queries related to free classifieds or free listings, you can reach out to our customer support team through our website's contact page or via email. We are here to assist you and ensure a seamless experience on our platform.

Advertise With Us offers various advertising opportunities, including banner ads, sponsored content, and featured listings. These options provide businesses with increased visibility and a chance to reach a broader audience.

To advertise on, simply visit our website and navigate to the "Advertise With Us" section. Choose your preferred advertising option, provide the necessary details about your ad, and follow the instructions to complete the process.

Yes, there are charges associated with advertising on our platform. The cost varies based on the type of ad and the advertising package you choose. We offer flexible and competitive pricing options to suit different business needs.

Yes, allows you to target specific audiences based on various demographics, interests, and location. This targeting ensures that your ad reaches the right audience, maximizing its effectiveness.

You can place a wide range of ads on, including ads for products, services, job listings, real estate, educational offerings, and more. We encourage you to explore our advertising options to find the best fit for your business.

The visibility duration of your ad depends on the advertising package you select. We offer different packages with varying durations, allowing you to choose the one that aligns with your campaign goals.

Yes, we have a verification process in place to maintain the authenticity of ads on our platform. Our team reviews each ad to ensure it complies with our guidelines and is suitable for our audience.

If you have any questions or need assistance with advertising on, please reach out to our dedicated customer support team through our website's contact page or via email. We are here to help you achieve your advertising objectives and ensure a successful campaign on our platform.

Blog Submission

To submit a blog on, first, create an account or log in if you already have one. Then, navigate to the "Blog Submission" section, where you can fill in the required details, including the blog title, content, and relevant category. welcomes blogs on a wide range of educational topics and themes. Whether it's about academic tips, career guidance, or educational experiences, we encourage diverse and informative content.

Yes, there are guidelines for blog submission to ensure high-quality content. The blogs should be well-written, informative, and relevant to the educational community. Please refer to our blog submission guidelines for more details.

Absolutely! You can include relevant images, infographics, or multimedia content (either made by you or public domain images) to enhance your blog's appeal and make it more engaging for readers.

While there is no strict word limit, we recommend keeping your blog concise and informative. Aim for a word count that effectively conveys your message without being overly lengthy.

Once you submit a blog, our editorial team will review it for compliance with guidelines and quality standards. The review process may take a few business days, after which your blog will be published if it meets the criteria.

Absolutely! We encourage contributors to submit multiple blogs on various educational topics, as long as they adhere to our guidelines and provide valuable insights to our audience.

As of now, blog submissions on are voluntary, and we do not offer monetary compensation. However, you will gain visibility and recognition as an educational expert or enthusiast in our community.

For any queries related to blog submission or assistance with the process, please feel free to reach out to our customer support team through our website's contact page or via email. We are here to support and guide you throughout the blog submission journey.