NCERT Becomes Deemed University: 3 New Powers It Has Now as a University


Last year, the National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) formally approached the Ministry and the University Grants Commission (UGC), India's apex body for higher education regulation. The objective was to secure recognition as a central university, which would grant NCERT the authority to issue degree certificates and exercise a higher degree of autonomy in administrating its academic programs. This week, NCERT becomes Deemed University.

That’s correct! The National Council for Educational Research and Training achieved a significant milestone as it was conferred the designation of a 'deemed to be university.' This important development now empowers NCERT with various powers and roles.

Let’s check out the new changes, roles, and powers of NCERT now that it has become a deemed university.

NCERT Can Grant Degrees as a Deemed University

Now that it's a university, the NCERT can give out its own bachelor's, master's, and PhD degrees. Before this, the NCERT used to provide training for teachers and skill-building programs through its seven regional centers, called the Regional Institute of Education (REI), in partnership with other universities.

NCERT Becomes Deemed University: Now Have More Control Over Courses

Before becoming a university, these centers had to get permission from other universities to create new courses. But now, as a 'deemed to be university,' the NCERT can make its own degrees and have more control over things like designing courses, setting fees, hiring teachers, and conducting exams.

NCERT University Can Now Collaborate with International and National Universities

Additionally, as a research university, NCERT University can now form academic partnerships with leading universities both in India and around the world.

What Has Been the Role of NCERT in India?

The council is think tank for the school education system in India. It's in charge of creating textbooks for schools and putting into action the new National Education Policy (NEP) from 2020. The council does a lot of important work in areas like educational research, coming up with new ideas, making school curricula, training teachers, and creating teaching materials and tools to help students learn.

It has now been conferred as deemed to be university. Universities have been asking for the 'deemed to be' label to be removed, wanting these institutions to be officially called just 'universities.' The Education Minister, however, has explained that once the Higher Education Commission of India (HECI) Bill is introduced and approved, the name for these universities will automatically change.

Currently, according to UGC records, there are 125 'deemed to be universities' in the country.

Also Read: Know All About Symbiosis International University

Jordan Singer
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