How To Choose the Career Path That's Right for You


A career is a result of your professional experiences. Many people start a profession because they believe it will help them reach their goals, such as gaining more knowledge and experience, taking on more responsibility, or earning greater pay. 

But it takes time to identify the career that best suits you, and throughout your working life, your career is likely to change. You can find yourself switching jobs or industries when your interests, objectives, and needs change. 

Also, Read Know which career has more scope today  

This article offers seven steps you can use to start your professional journey as well as tips on how to pick the best vocation for you.

7 stages to choosing a career

1. Make a self-evaluation

Your personality type determines which occupations are a good fit for you and which are completely inappropriate, coupled with your values, hobbies, soft skills, and aptitudes.

To learn more about your qualities and to develop a list of careers that are a good fit based on them, use self-assessment tools and career tests. Some people choose to work with a career counselor or other career development specialists who can help them navigate this process.

2. Discover your passions and interests

Now consider your interests, which might not align with your skills, and add those to the list. You might like going to events, learning about different cultures, assembling model airplanes, organizing charity events, or taking trips abroad. Or perhaps you enjoy reading, listening to music, swimming, doing science experiments, playing with animals, baking or cooking, riding a motorbike, volunteering, making crafts, cleaning, going fishing, or making sculptures.

These can include anything from location and benefits to income and travel. You could have some knowledge of these professions and desire to learn more about them. Include occupations that you know little to nothing about as well. You could discover something surprising.

3. Make a list of possible jobs

You'll be happy that you were able to narrow down your list of alternatives to just 10 to 20 at this point. You can now learn some fundamental details about each profession on your list. 

You can narrow down your job path by talking to people who are familiar with you personally and professionally in addition to taking evaluations. You may consider what you excel at, what people count on you for, and what you're up to when you're inspired or successful.

4. Do some research and shorten your list

Start trying to reduce your list now that you have more information. Begin eliminating the professions from consideration based on what you have learned so far from your research. Your "short list" should contain two to five professions.

Consider all the choices within the field you have in mind once you have made that decision. To help you narrow down your possibilities, find out what duties each position in the sector has daily.

5. Get training and update your resume

When there are only a few professions left on your list, you should begin doing more extensive research. Make plans to meet with people who work in the fields you are interested in. They may be able to share first-hand information about the professions on your shortlist.

Update your CV to represent your relevant talents and skills once you've decided that you are qualified for this professional route. Finding out what businesses in your industry and for your position are looking for in candidates by looking at job advertisements might be helpful.

6. Find and apply for jobs

You are likely now prepared to make your decision after conducting all of your research. Based on the facts you have acquired, choose the profession you believe will provide you with the most satisfaction.  On Naukri platforms, you may start your job search from a desktop or mobile device. 

7. Continue to develop and learn

It may take some time to become used to your new career, as with any shift. During this time of change, concentrate on the parts of your job that you enjoy. You'll continue to grow, learn, and evolve as you learn more about who you are, what you do, and what suits you best.

If the company's ideals align with your own, your career will be the most satisfying. Consider the things that are truly important to you and the things that you are willing to give up. 

Also, Read 10 part-time work from home options

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Content Credit : Vidyapost Team

Jordan Singer
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