4 Types of Communication Styles and How To Improve Yours


Everyone communicates whether it's through words, gestures, or body language. Knowing your own unique communication style can help you succeed at work, and being able to recognise the communication style of others can help you work more cooperatively. 

There can be misunderstandings, disputes, hurt feelings, and even strife if each of the four communication types is not properly understood. This article discusses four common workplace communication styles, how to identify them, and how to interact with colleagues who use these types.

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Why are communication styles important?

Any workplace needs to have good communication. The way you communicate may make or break a relationship and a business agreement, whether you're instructing a coworker or negotiating with a client. Understanding communication styles is crucial if you want to modify your communication to meet the circumstances and get the best results. 

4 basic communication styles

Your relationships with others and the way you speak, act and respond to different situations all depend on your communication style. The four main communication styles are as follows:

1. Passive

A person with a passive communication style is often known as an introvert or shy person. This person rarely expresses ideas or feelings and typically simply goes with the flow. A passive communicator is easily identified because he or she often speaks softly and apologises, even when no apology is required. 

Passive communicators will shrug, hunch their shoulders, or avoid eye contact when asked for their opinions—all nonverbal cues of insecurity.

2. Aggressive

An aggressive communicator presents opinions and speaks up, even if it means upsetting others. They can be harsh as well as speak insensitively. Loud and powerful, aggressive speakers usually dominate others.

It might be difficult to listen to someone who is constantly criticising you, which is why this communication style can be problematic. Working with someone who is constantly negative can also be challenging. They can be quite demanding and controlling, and they typically don't care about other people's feelings. This manner is often seen as confrontational and can also result in conflict.

3. Passive-aggressive

As its name implies, this type of communication includes elements of passive and aggressive ways. This strategy is employed while speaking quietly about something while covertly displaying anger (aggressive).

It might be challenging to spot passive-aggressive communicators before they exhibit aggressive behaviour. For instance, you might assume that you are working with a passive communicator until you observe that this individual purposefully misses deadlines or agrees to do something but never follows up on it. 

4. Assertive

Assertive communication is regarded as the finest communication style because it promotes open communication and prevents conflict. Assertive communicators communicate themselves directly, without harming or hurting others. They are open and honest, and they frequently pay close attention to others.

You'll note that aggressive communicators embrace their emotions and use many "I" statements. Someone with an aggressive communication style, for example, would not convey unhappiness in a situation by saying, "You're wrong." Instead, you'd hear something like, "While I disagree with this, I'm certain we'll find a way to make it work."

How to be a more assertive communicator

The most effective and desired communication style, especially in a professional environment, is assertive communication. Take into account these ideas to strengthen your assertive communication abilities:

  • The use of "I" expressions will help you confidently express your demands and views.

  • Use active listening techniques.

  • Invite others to share their ideas with you.

  • Be compassionate.

  • Be receptive to feedback on your speaking abilities, both good and bad.

  • Teach yourself to say "no"

  • Examine programmes for professional development.

  • Look for opportunities to practise speaking in front of an audience.

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Content Credit : Vidyapost Team

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